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Acne Treatment with LED Lighting

1 h
150 US dollars
East Round Grove Road

Service Description

Visible light therapy is used to treat mild to moderate acne outbreaks. Blue light therapy and red light therapy are both types of phototherapy. Phototherapy is remarkably effective for treating acne lesions, especially acne that's caused by inflammation or bacteria. While there's no cure for acne, phototherapy is backed up by significant research as an acne management tool. La terapia con luz visible se utiliza para tratar brotes de acné leves a moderados. La terapia con luz azul y la terapia con luz roja son ambos tipos de fototerapia. La fototerapia es notablemente eficaz para tratar las lesiones del acné, especialmente el acné causado por inflamación o bacterias. Si bien no existe cura para el acné, la fototerapia está respaldada por importantes investigaciones como herramienta para el control del acné.

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